A package manager that installs and runs executable Swift packages

Package managers have become a standard in many programming communities, and for good reason. They allow developers to use pre-compiled packages of code so they can focus on developing, rather than packaging up their own software from scratch. However, package managers are limited by how much support they provide. Developers still need to build the applications themselves through scripts or compiled binaries which leads to slower development times and higher costs at scale.

The “swift package manager” is a package manager that installs and runs executable Swift packages. The tool was released by Apple to make it easier for developers to use their language.


A package manager for Swift command line tool packages that installs and executes them.

SwiftLint version 0.40.3 will be installed and executed as a result of this.

Mint is designed to work with Swift command-line tools that are installed via the Swift Package Manager is a program that allows you to manage your. It simplifies the process of installing, operating, and disseminating these tools.

  • execute a particular version of a package with ease
  • a package’s global connection
  • Versions of builds are cached.
  • Use several versions of a package at the same time.
  • Run the most recent version of a package with ease
  • Distribute your own packets that aren’t based on recipes or formulae.
  • To make it easier to use, provide a list of versioned packages in a Mintfile.

Homebrew is a popular way to distribute Swift executables, but it requires the creation and maintenance of a formula. Because only one global version of homebrew is loaded at any one time, running particular versions of homebrew installations may be difficult. Mint uses SPM to install your package and allows you to run several versions of it, all of which are installed and cached centrally.

Mint can execute your Swift executable package if it was built using SPM. For further information, see Support.

What is the significance of the name Mint?

SPMT -> Spearmint -> Mint! Swift Packager Manager Tools -> SPMT -> Spearmint -> Mint!


A mint is a location where something is made or produced.


First, make sure you have Xcode 10.2 installed.



https://github.com/yonaskolb/Mint.git $ git clone cd cd cd cd cd cd make a profit

Using Mint as a tool!


https://github.com/yonaskolb/Mint.git $ git clone cd cd cd cd cd cd mint install yonaskolb/mint $ swift


yonaskolb/mint yonaskolb/mint yonaskolb/mint yon

Swift Package Manager


https://github.com/yonaskolb/Mint.git $ git clone cd cd cd cd cd cd mint a quick buck

Use as a reliance

Add the following to the dependencies section of your Package.swift file:

.package(url: “https://github.com/yonaskolb/Mint.git”, from: “0.15.0”),.package(url: “https://github.com/yonaskolb/Mint.git”, from: “0.15.0”),

Then import MintKit anywhere it’s required.

The path to 1.0

Minor versions will break until 1.0 is achieved.


Run mint help to see how to use it.

  • install: Installs a package so that it may be executed later, as well as globally linking that version.
  • run: This command executes a package. If it isn’t already installed, this will install it first, but it will not be linked globally. It comes in handy when you need to run a certain version.
  • list: Displays a list of all installed packages and their versions.
  • which: Prints the path of a package executable that has been installed.
  • uninstall: Removes a package by its name.
  • bootstrap: By default, it installs all of the packages in your Mintfile without linking them globally.

Reference to the package

A package reference argument is required for the run and install commands. This may be a fully qualified git path (mint install https://github.com/realm/SwiftLint.git) or a shorthand for a github repo (mint install realm/SwiftLint). If the repo is already installed (run swiftlint), or in the Mintfile, you may just provide the name of the repo. By adding @version, an optional version may be provided; otherwise, the newest tag or master will be utilized. If you don’t select a version, the current tags will have to be loaded each time.


yonaskolb/[email protected] yonaskolb/[email protected] yonaskolb/[email protected] $ mint run yonaskolb/[email protected] # execute the only executable # provide some parameters to —spec spec.yml yonaskolb/[email protected] yonaskolb/[email protected] yonaskolb/[email protected] # provide a particular executable using xcodegen —spec spec.yml —executable xcodegen yonaskolb/[email protected] $ mint run $ mint install yonaskolb/[email protected] —spec spec.yml # specify a particular executable if the first argument is the same as the executable $ mint install yonaskolb/[email protected] # installs a specific version but does not connect it globally # install newest tag yonaskolb/XcodeGen $ mint install yonaskolb/XcodeGen install yonaskolb/[email protected] in mint #reinstall the master branch with —force yonaskolb/[email protected] yonaskolb/[email protected] yonaskolb/[email protected] # use newest tag and locate XcodeGen in installed packages # run 2.18.0 $ mint run XcodeGen


Unless —no-link is used, Mint symlinks your installations into usr/local/bin by default. This implies that a package may be accessed from anywhere, and you won’t have to use mint run package to prepend commands. It’s worth noting that only one connected version may be utilized at a time. Use mint run if you need to run an earlier version.


A list of versioned packages may be specified in a Mintfile. Because the particular repos and versions are centralized, it makes installing and executing these packages a breeze.

Simply drag and drop this file into the location where you’re running Mint. The Mintfile is just a list of packages in the same style as the standard package parameter:

yonaskolb/[email protected] yonaskolb/[email protected] yonaskolb/[email protected]

Then all you have to do is execute a package with:

Alternatively, you may install all of the packages at once (without linking them globally) by using:

If you want to connect them all together, use:


  • To mute any output from mint itself, use —silent in mint run. If you want to send the output someplace else, this is a good option.
  • MINT PATH and MINT LINK PATH envs may be used to control where mint caches builds and symlinks global installations. /usr/local/lib/mint and /usr/local/bin are the default locations.
  • Even if a package has previously been installed, mint install —force may be used to reinstall it. Unless you’re pointing to a branch and want to update it, this shouldn’t be necessary.


Mint runs on Linux, however it has several drawbacks:

  • Building using a statically linked version of Swift is not supported on Linux. This implies that when a new version of Swift is released, existing installations on Linux will no longer function.
  • Because Linux is case sensitive, both repo urls and executables must be specified in the proper case.


If you use the Swift Package Manager to create your Swift command line utility, it will automatically install and run with mint!

Make sure you have an executable product type specified in your Package’s products list. swift.

let package = Package(name: “Foo,” products: [.executable(name: “foo,” targets: [“Foo”)],] , [.target(name: “Foo”),…])))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

You may then include this in your readme’s Installing section:

### [Mint](https://github.com/yonaskolb/mint) (https://github.com/yonaskolb/mint) (https://github.com/yonas “‘$ mint install github name/repo name “‘$ mint install github name/repo name “‘$ mint install github name/rep


Resources are now integrated into the Swift Package manager as of Swift 5.3, thus the Package.resources file is no longer required if you’re targeting that version or above https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0271-package-manager-resources.md

There is currently no method to define resource folders in the Swift Package Manager. A custom Package.resources file is required if your utility needs access to resources from the repo. This is a simple text file with several lines listing the resource directories:

If this file is discovered in your repository, it will be copied into the same directory as the executable.

Feel free to contribute your own!



The “swift package manager list” is a command-line tool that installs and runs executable Swift packages. The tool can be used to install, build, test, and run apps written in the Swift programming language.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Swift package manager?

A: A Swift package manager is a tool that allows developers to easily publish and share their code packages. It uses the same approach as Apples Xcode project system, but employs more modern tools such as GitHub repositories for publishing projects.

How do I install Swift package manager?

A: You can install it with the following command in your Terminal.

How do I run a Swift package?

A: Your first step should be to create a new repository for your swift packages. After that, you can push the newest version of it into this repo and then from there use git pull origin master && git tag -v v1.0-final .

  • mint package manager
  • swift package manager command line
  • swift package manager tutorial
  • mint swift
  • swift package repository