built on jetpack compose + Auth0 during Hashnode Hackathon

Built on Jetpack, Auth0 and Hashnode Hackathon


Kuberam is a transaction management app.

You may get the Kuberam app from the Google Play Store.



Observations on the app

Theme: Dark


Theme of Light



Create a clone of the repository on your computer. Everything will be set up after you open the project in your IDE and link it to Firebase and Auth0.

  • Install Android Studio Arctic Fox on your computer.
  • In the app directory, place your firebase json class.
  • In the string resources file, change the client id, domain name, and scheme.


Its backend is made up of Firebase and Auth0. Auth0 Authentication is used for authentication, Firebase Crashlytics is used for crash reporting, and Firestore is used as the database.

  • It’s fully functional.
  • Material UI with a clean and simple design.


  • Login using Auth0: In the app, Auth0 is utilized for login/signup.
  • Fingerprint Login/Pattern Lock: We offer Fingerprint Login/Pattern Lock to safeguard your app transactions.
  • Light and Dark Themes: The software includes both light and dark themes, making both light and dark theme fans pleased.
  • Add a Transaction: You may add a transaction in a few easy steps.


  • Create a new category: As we all have different transaction categories, you may build your own with the Kuberam app.
  • Pie Chart: We provide a Pie Chart of Income and Expense Transactions based on your income and expense transactions so you can manage them.
  • Kuberam uses the Firestore database to save all of your transactions online, so you don’t have to bother about backups.
  • Change Currency: As we all originate from various locations and use different currencies for transactions, Kuberam offers a variety of currencies to choose from.
  • Delete Transaction: If you make a mistake while adding a transaction or you don’t want to keep track of it, you may delete it. To delete a transaction, swipe it from left to right from beginning to end.
  • In App Review Library. ** In App Review** :- In App Review Library.
  • In App Update :- In this busy world, we often forget to update apps when they have new versions. In Kuberam, we use the In App Update library, which means that when an app has a new version, it will display an update popup and you can update directly from there without having to go to the Play Store.
  • Reminder Notice :- We send a notification every day to remind you to add transactions to the app so you don’t forget.

a selection of screenshots

Designed Using

  • Auth0 – Auth0 is an adaptive authentication and authorization platform that is simple to set up.
  • Jetpack Compose – Jetpack Compose is an Android toolkit for creating native user interfaces.
  • Kotlin is an Android programming language that is first-class and official.
  • Coroutines are used for asynchronous and other purposes.
  • Flow — A cold asynchronous data stream that emits values in a sequential manner and finishes properly or with an error.
  • MutableState — If you don’t want to use LiveData or Flow, you may use MutableState instead. By default, Compose does not notice any changes to this object, thus there will be no recomposition.
  • Android Architecture Components are a set of libraries that help you create applications that are reliable, tested, and maintained.
    • ViewModel — Holds UI-related data that isn’t lost when the user interface changes.
    • DataStore – Jetpack DataStore is a data storage solution that uses protocol buffers to store key-value pairs and typed objects.
  • Injection of Dependency –
    • Hilt-Dagger is a standard library for integrating Dagger dependency injection into Android apps.
    • Hilt-ViewModel is a DI that allows you to inject ViewModel.
  • Firebase
    • To save data in the Firebase Firestore database, use Firebase Firestore.
    • To report app problems, use Firebase Crashlytics.
    • To report app crashes, use Firebase Analytics.
    • To deliver notifications in the app, use Firebase Messaging.
  • Material Components for Android – Material Design UI components for Android that are modular and configurable.
  • In Jetpack Compose, the Compose Chart displays a Pie Chart.

-Coil – An Android image loading library powered by Kotlin Coroutines.

  • Authentication utilizing a screen lock credential — the user’s PIN, pattern, or password – is known as biometric authentication.
  • Accompanist Pager — A library for Jetpack Compose that offers paging layouts.
  • Accompanist Navigation is a library that supports Jetpack Navigation Compose’s Compose Animation.
  • Lottie is an Android and iOS mobile framework that parses Adobe After Effects animations produced as json using Bodymovin and displays them natively on mobile!

Components # For data management. | data | local # Datastore and its associated classes | model # Firebase, HarperDB, and their relevant classes ui | navigation | service | ui | theme # Model data classes, both remote and local entities | di # Dependency Injection | module # DI Modules | navigation | service | ui | theme # Color, Shape, Theme, and Type are all themes that may be adjusted. # of people who have seen this page All Screens: About Screen, All Transaction Screen, Auth Screen, Dashboard Screen, OnBoard Screen, Profile Screen, and Splash Screen. viewmodel # The app’s viewmodel | | utils # The app’s utils Constants, Interfaces, and other utility classes


The MVVM (Model View View-Model) architecture is used in this project.


Make a contribution

You’re invited to contribute to this library at any time!

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a donation

You may buy me a cup of coffee if my project helps you save time while developing.


